How to deposit or transfer Bitcoin to a TrustBlock wallet?
An unlimited number of deposits can be made for any amount by the following methods:
• Cryptocurrency exchanges and ATM’s will support deposits to the wallet via scanning of the public QR code or by manually typing the public key.
• P2P Transfer – Individual users can exchange Bitcoin with each other using an online wallet application.
• Import – Transfer Bitcoin from unsecured online wallets, paper wallets and Dapps to your TrustBlock wallet.
• Off-chain transaction– Use your TrustBlock wallet kit as a physical medium for Bitcoin dealing.
How to spend Bitcoin - withdrawal, and use of funds?
To transfer and spend funds the user needs to scan the private key located in the QR Keys Block and combine with the password Block. Only that way it is possible to sign and approve a transaction and spend coins.
You can do this with an online wallet application available on any mobile device, laptop, or on a selected ATM.
Anonymous Off-chain Transactions and Gifting
Use your TrustBlock wallet to make OFF-CHAIN transactions.
OTC Dealing: Move funds anonymously with preloaded wallets without broadcasting the transaction to the blockchain by transferring your wallet with the password and recovery blocks unpacked.
Gifting: Gifting a TrustBlock wallet kit is like giving a piece of gold, a tangible digital gold.
Surprise your loved ones with a gift that secures their future.
• It is crucial to make sure that the password Block and the recovery Seed Blocks are intact
How to recover the funds?
To recover your funds you must collect the 2 seed phrases in the recovery Blocks from their protective units and combine them. Enter the mnemonic seed phrases in the right order to an online wallet or to a BIP39 mnemonic code converter. You will immediately regain access to your wallet.

After the recovery, the seed phrase has been compromised. It is highly recommended to withdraw the funds from the old wallet to a new one.
How to use the wallet as an Inheritance solution
Only with TrustBlock, you can guarantee that your Bitcoin will be safe and accessible to your loved ones in case something happens to you. By using the split and combine mechanism of the recovery kit, you can choose to whom you share your recovery Blocks and use it as a method to guarantee your inheritance. When needed, your trusted ones can combine their recovery blocks and access your wallet securely.